
Showing posts from December, 2019


General information: Type: installation Languages: Russian, english, multi Activation: dimitarserg Additionally: import USBSafelyRemoveSettings.opt Command line parameters: Silent installation of the Russian version: / S / RU Silent installation of the English version: / S / EN Silent installation of the Ukrainian version: / S / UA Do not create shortcuts on the desktop: / ND Do not create shortcuts on the Start menu: / NS Select the installation location: / D = PATH / D = PATH should be specified with the most recent example: USB.Safely.Remove.v6.0.6. 1258.exe / S / RU / D = C: \ MyProgram Supported Windows Operating Systems: XP SP3  7 SP1 (32-bit)  7 SP1 (64-bit)  8.1 (32-bit)  8.1 (64-bit)  10 (32-bit)  10 (64-bi)  Download Here


General information: Type: installation Languages: Russian, Ukrainian, multilanguage Activation: pawel97, Ali.Dbg Optional: import Settings.reg, OptionalToolbarPack.7z (package of skins for the toolbar) Command line parameters: Silent installation of the Russian version: / S / RU Silent installation of the English version: / S / EN Silent installation of the Ukrainian version: / S / UA Do not create shortcuts in the Start menu: / NS Do not create shortcuts on the desktop: / ND Select the installation location: / D = PATH / D = PATH parameter indicate the most recent Example: Internet.Download.Manager.v6.28.5.exe / S / RU / D = C: \ MyProgram Supported operating systems W  indows: XP SP3  7 SP1 (32-bit)  7 SP1 (64-bit)  8.1 (32-bit)  8.1 (64-bit)  10 (32-bit)  10 (64-bit Download Here

OPPO VIVO Model List

VIVO models VIVO version number OPPO models OPPO version number X6A PD1415A A3 PADM00-PADT00 X6SA PD1415BA A5 PBAM00-PBAT00 X6D PD1415D A5 PBBM30-PBBT30 X6PLUSD PD1501D A7 PBFM00-PBFT00 Y31 PD1505 A7X PBBM00-PBBT00 Y51 PD1510 A7N PCDM00-PCDT00 Y51 PD1510A & L R15MTK version PACM00-PACT00 X6PLUSA PD1515A R15 Dream Edition PAAM00-PAAT00 X6SPLUS PD1515BA R15X PBCM10-PBCT10 XPLAY5S PD1516A R17 PBEM00-PBET00 XPLAY5A PD1522A R17Pro PBDM00-PBDT00 V3MAX PD1523 K1 PBCM30-PBCT30 V3MA PD1524BA K3 PCGM00 V3 PD1524L K5 PCNM00 X7 PD1602 A9 PCAM10-PCAT10 X7PLUS PD1603 A9X PCEM00-PCET00 XPLAY6 PD1610 A11 PCHM10 Y67 PD1612 A11X PCHM30 Y55 PD1613 FindX PAFM00-PAFT00 X9 PD1616 Reno PCAM00-PCAT00 X9S PD1616BA Reno2 PCKM00 X9PLUS PD1619 Reno Ace PCLM10 Y66 PD1621 1105 14043 Y66I PD1621BA 3007 14037 X9I PD1624 3005 14039 Y53 PD1628 3000 14040 X9SPLUS PD1635 1107 14041 Y69 PD1705 1100 14042 Y79 PD1708 N3 (N5207) 14021 Y75S PD1708CA N3 (N5209) 14024 X20 PD1709 N5110 14031 ...