
General information:

Type: installation
Languages: Russian, Ukrainian, multilanguage
Activation: pawel97, Ali.Dbg
Optional: import Settings.reg, OptionalToolbarPack.7z (package of skins for the toolbar)

Command line parameters:

Silent installation of the Russian version: / S / RU
Silent installation of the English version: / S / EN
Silent installation of the Ukrainian version: / S / UA
Do not create shortcuts in the Start menu: / NS
Do not create shortcuts on the desktop: / ND
Select the installation location: / D = PATH / D = PATH

parameter indicate the most recent
Example: Internet.Download.Manager.v6.28.5.exe / S / RU / D = C: \ MyProgram

Supported operating systems W indows:
XP SP3 7 SP1 (32-bit) 7 SP1 (64-bit) 8.1 (32-bit) 8.1 (64-bit) 10 (32-bit) 10 (64-bit

Download Here


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